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Programme 2024 - 2025

Tue 10th September 2024    Fuchsias – Keith McManus 

How to succeed with fuchsias; tips on overwintering, growing standards, which compost to use, pests and disease control.

Tue 8th October 2024    The Organic Kitchen Garden – Maureen Sawyer 

The whys and wherefores of organic (kitchen) gardening - Building soil fertility, coping with weeds, dealing with pests and diseases, saving water, companion planting and seed saving.

Tue 12th November 2024    Making the most of your garden space – Jane Allison 

Looking at ways of maximising the potential of your garden, whatever its shape, dimensions and personal requirements

Tue 10th December 2024   Christmas Party – Ticket only

Tue 14th January 2025      Environmental Gardening – Richard Lewis

Tips on how gardeners can make nature work for them.

Tue 11th February 2025     Norley Bank Farm – NGS garden –      Margaret and Neil Holding

Margaret and Neil talk about how they created their garden, and their experience of being accepted for the National Garden Scheme.

Tue 11th March 2025       Vegetables for Small Gardens – Jeff Bates

Cultivation techniques and advice for growing vegetables in a small area of your garden or allotment. 

Tue 8th April 2025   The Ray Davies Memorial Show

A splash of spring colour provided by plants/bulbs/trees grown in our gardens.  Informal show, no entry fees/forms required, schedule available nearer the time.

Tue 13th May 2025  Joseph Paxton – Danny Wells

‘The busiest man in England’ – Head gardener at Chatsworth, designer of gardens, conservatories, parks and lots more about his incredible life.

Tue 10th June 2025   Butterflies – Malcolm Plant

How gardeners can help to stop the decline of butterflies and moths.

Tue 8th July 2025   My Travels – Jean Carswell 

Images of the beautiful Flora and Fauna to be found, from Orkney to France.               

Saturday 9th August 2025   Annual Horticultural Show

Hazel Grove Civic Hall, London Road, Hazel Grove SK7 4DF

Open to the public from 1:00 – 3:00pm 

Tue 12th August 2024   Annual General Meeting

Your chance to give your views, opinions and ideas on how your club is organised.  Followed by ‘Gardener’s Question Time’ – A panel from our club members will try to answer your garden queries and conundrums!



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